'When Protest Makes Policy' by S. Laurel Weldon wins the Victoria Schuck Award

By: Phillip Witteveen | Date: September 19, 2012
'When Protest Makes Policy' by S. Laurel Weldon wins the Victoria Schuck Award


Political theorist S. Laurel Weldon's When Protest Makes Policy: How Social Movements Represent Disadvantaged Groups is the winner of the 2012 Victoria Schuck Award for best contribution to women and politics. A major annual award from the American Political Science Association, the prize was instituted to honor Schuck's mentorship and service to women as a political scientist and professor.

When Protest Makes Policy is a case study into social conflict in democracy, and its role as a form of representation for disadvantaged groups. The book's themes became especially relevant shortly after publication with the advent of the Arab Spring and Occupy Wall Street protests.

"S. Laurel Weldon makes a powerful argument regarding the role of social movements as avenues for democratic representation," APSA's awards committee wrote of the book.

Congratulations to Dr. Weldon on this major award!