Top Titles in the UMP Ebook Collection

By: Charles Watkinson | Date: March 19, 2020
Top Titles in the UMP Ebook Collection

Using Altmetric Explorer, the Open Syllabus Project, and Dimensions, we've identified the University of Michigan Press titles in the UMP Ebook Collection that are most discussed (i.e., have the highest Altmetric scores), most used in classrooms (i.e., are featured in the most open syllabi), and most cited (i.e., feature the highest citation numbers in the Dimensions index).

It's not very scientific, but if you are looking to catch up on some reading or spice up your online teaching, you might find a keeper here. UMP EBC offers unlimited multi-user, perpetual access, and DRM-free copies to purchasing libraries and all titles are free-to-read for the rest of the academic term. That's one way we can support the students and faculty members struggling with academic continuity in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Most discussed:

Private Guns, Public Health, by David Hemenway

Campaign Finance and Political Polarization: When Purists Prevail, by Raymond J. La Raja and Brian F. Schaffner

Academic Ableism, by Jay Timothy Dolmage

The Many Faces of Strategic Voting, edited by Laura B. Stephenson, John H. Aldrich, and André Blais

Party Discipline in the U. S. House of Representatives, by Kathryn Pearson

Gendered Vulnerability: How Women Work Harder to Stay in Office, by Jeffrey Lazarus and Amy Steigerwalt

Trade and Taboo: Disreputable Professions in the Roman Mediterranean, by Sarah E. Bond

Global Digital Cultures: Perspectives from South Asia, edited by Aswin Punathambekar and Sriram Mohan

The Fanfiction Reader: Folk Tales for the Digital Age, by Francesca Coppa

Butch Queens Up in Pumps: Gender, Performance, and Ballroom Culture in Detroit, by Marlon M. Bailey

Most used in classrooms:

Bad Boys: Public Schools in the Making of Black Masculinity, by Ann Arnett Ferguson

The New Imperial Presidency: Renewing Presidential Power after Watergate, by Andew Rudalevige

Paradigms and Sand Castles: Theory Building and Research Design in Comparative Politics, by Barbara Geddes

Turning the Legislative Thumbscrew: Minority Rights and Procedural Change in Legislative Politics, by Douglas Dion

Private Guns, Public Health, by David Hemenway

The Behavioral Origins of War, by D. Scott Bennett and Allan C. Stam

Disability Theory, by Tobin Siebers

Historical Metaphors and Mythical Realities, by Marshall D. Sahlins

Utopia in performance : Finding Hope at the Theater, by Jill Dolan

Cops, Teachers, Counselors: Stories from the Front Lines of Public Service, by Steven Maynard-Moody and Michael Musheno

Most cited:

Bad Boys: Public Schools in the Making of Black Masculinity, by Ann Arnett Ferguson

Paradigms and Sand Castles: Theory Building and Research Design in Comparative Politics, by Barbara Geddes

Disability Theory, by Tobin Siebers

Historical Metaphors and Mythical Realities, by Marshall D. Sahlins

Utopia in performance : Finding Hope at the Theater, by Jill Dolan

Cops, Teachers, Counselors: Stories from the Front Lines of Public Service, by Steven Maynard-Moody and Michael Musheno

War and Peace in International Rivalry, by Paul F. Diehl and Gary Goertz

Standing Your Ground: Territorial Disputes and International Conflict, by Paul K. Huth

Information and Legislative Organization, by Keith Krehbiel

Doing Time on the Outside: Incarceration and Family Life in Urban America, by Donald Braman

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