Hammarskjöld: A Life, Reviewed in Publisher's Weekly

By: Phillip Witteveen | Date: April 4, 2013
Hammarskjöld: A Life, Reviewed in Publisher's Weekly

Roger Lipsey's newly-released Hammarskjöld: A Life was received with high praise this month. Taking from unexplored archival material, and personal correspondence, this definitive biography of the Swedish diplomat and writer, shows a new side of the man who John F. Kennedy once called "the greatest statesman of our century." From the Publishers Weekly review (subscription required):
Lipsey views his subject as a man of deep faith who showed remarkable courage in the face of numerous Cold War crises, and his spirit lives on at the UN thanks to the Room of Quiet, a sanctuary built during his tenure. Meticulously researched, new evidence shows that his death may have been an assassination, an interpretation sure to intrigue conspiracy theorists. Murky scandals aside, political junkies and history buffs will relish this definitive, painstakingly thorough treatment of a great statesman and consummate diplomat.
You can find out more about Dag Hammarskjöld at Lipsey's website.