Wall Street Journal praises Lipsey's 'Hammarskjöld'

By: Shaun Manning | Date: March 25, 2013
Wall Street Journal praises Lipsey's 'Hammarskjöld'

In a review essay encompassing the history of the United Nations, the Wall Street Journal's George Melloan highly praises Roger Lipsey's new biography of the UN's second secretary-general Dag Hammarskjöld, saying "no one has sketched his life and peacekeeping endeavors with such depth and breadth as Mr. Lipsey."

"Mr. Lipsey sees two Hammarskjölds, one a man of action taming dangerous political passions and the other a deeply introspective philosopher," Melloan writes. "Mr. Lipsey describes a man who, even while mediating explosive crises, jotted down abstract musings with poetic elegance."

Read the full review at WSJ, and be sure to pick up Lipsey's Hammarskjöld: A Life, now available from the University of Michigan Press.