Kwame Kilpatrick, Disgraced Former Detroit Mayor, Sentenced: Detroit Still Governed by Old-School Politics of Race?

By: kris bishop | Date: May 25, 2010
Kwame Kilpatrick, Disgraced Former Detroit Mayor, Sentenced: Detroit Still Governed by Old-School Politics of Race?

The Urban Voter: Group Conflict and Mayoral Voting Behavior in American Cities

by Karen M. Kaufmann

New analysis of mayoral politics reveals the crucial role of racial interests in local voting. Exploring 35 years of public opinion data from mayoral elections in New York and Los Angeles, Karen M. Kaufmann shows how perceptions of interracial conflict can outweigh party attachments and political ideologies in local elections. Her incisive analysis accounts for the Republican victories of the 1990s in overwhelmingly Democratic cities, as well as the "liberal revivals" that followed. The Urban Voter highlights critical interactions between government institutions, local economies, and social diversity, providing a much-needed assessment of urban America's changing demographics, and the ramifications of such changes for American politics.

Karen M. Kaufmann is Assistant Professor in the Department of Government and Politics at the University of Maryland, College Park.

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