"A black church becomes politically active when..."

By: kris bishop | Date: September 26, 2008
"A black church becomes politically active when..."


"...four conditions are met," says Eric L. McDaniel, Assistant Professor in the Department of Government at the University of Texas at Austin and author of the new book POLITICS IN THE PEWS: THE POLITICAL MOBILIZATION OF BLACK CHURCHES:

  • The pastor is interested in involving a church in politics.
  • Members of the congregation are receptive to the idea of having a politically active church.
  • The church is not restricted from having a presence in political matters.
  • And the political climate necessitates and allows political action.


Visit the homepage for McDaniel's new release POLITICS IN THE PEWS and read the rest of the UT Austin interview.

Listen to the "In Black America" KUT 90.5 FM interview with Eric McDaniel online.



"McDaniel offers insights into how these churches have made politics part of their mission, and he gauges their various successes and failures. It seems very timely to have a cogent analysis of this phenomenon, especially with the ascendancy of Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr. As the ex-minister where Senator Barack Obama goes to church, Wright has used national exposure he has gotten as a result of his association with Obama to drive home fiery points of black liberation theology... Some people would view Wright’s message, forged in the legacy of slavery and continued fight for equal rights, as being essentially political rather than religious. Books like the new one from Professor McDaniel will help readers understand the forces that motivate black churches and their leaders to engage in politics."
---Eric L. Miller, President of the National Association of Independent Publishers Representatives