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Showing 1 to 20 of 20 results.

Making Academic Presentations

What Every University Student Needs to Know

Encourages academic success by guiding students through the steps of an academic presentation

Leading Academic Discussions

What Every University Student Needs to Know

Office Hours

What Every University Student Needs to Know

Speaking in Social Contexts

Communication for Life and Study in the U.S.

Taking Sides, Second Edition

Speaking Skills for College Students

Second Edition

Great Debates

Language and Culture Skills for ESL Students

Debating and discussion tips for ESL learners


Discourse Pronunciation for Advanced Learners

Core text to assist international students and others with pronunciation and communication

A to Zany Community Activities for Students of English

Engages students through activities in their community while teaching about American culture

Discussion Starters

Speaking Fluency Activities for Advanced ESL/EFL Students

Thirty-two lively topics to stimulate classroom discussion for advanced ESL students

Techniques for Teachers

A Guide for Nonnative Speakers of English

Improving Spoken English

An Intensive Personalized Program in Perception, Pronunciation, Practice in Context