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Medieval and Renaissance Studies

Showing 1 to 6 of 6 results.

Women’s Bookscapes in Early Modern Britain

Reading, Ownership, Circulation

Rediscovering and reframing the rich and multifaceted history of early modern British women’s book ownership and library compilation

The Birth of the Archive

A History of Knowledge

The dynamic but little-known story of how archives came to shape and be shaped by European culture and society

Virtuous Necessity

Conduct Literature and the Making of the Virtuous Woman in Early Modern England

A new way of looking at behavioral expectations for women in early modern England

The Age of Attila

Fifth-Century Byzantium and the Barbarians

Revised Edition

A classic brought back in print with an introduction and notes by David S. Potter

The Afterlife of Pope Joan

Deploying the Popess Legend in Early Modern England

Investigates representations of the legend of Pope Joan in Early Modern England and their implications on social, political, and religious thought