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American History

Showing 1 to 14 of 14 results.

The Harvest of American Racism

The Political Meaning of Violence in the Summer of 1967

In print for the first time--the document that the Kerner Commission did not want to see released

The Captive Stage

Performance and the Proslavery Imagination of the Antebellum North

A revealing exploration of Northern proslavery sentiment during the period before the Civil War

The Black Musician and the White City

Race and Music in Chicago, 1900-1967

An exploration of the history of African American musicians in Chicago during the mid-20th century

Grassroots at the Gateway

Class Politics and Black Freedom Struggle in St. Louis, 1936-75

Offers a new conceptualization of black workingclass participation in the civil rights movement

Race and the Politics of Welfare Reform

A searching and succinct restatement of the many ways race and American racial attitudes affect how we talk about the poor--and how we handle the problem of poverty relief

Faith in the City

Preaching Radical Social Change in Detroit

A milestone study of religion's place in Detroit's protest communities, from the 1930s to the 1960s

The Price of Racial Reconciliation

Presents the conceptual difficulties involved in the project of racial reconciliation by a comparative analysis of South African Truth and Reconciliation and the demand for Reparations in the United States

Philadelphia Freedom

Memoir of a Civil Rights Lawyer

The gripping story of the life and education of one of America's most innovative and idealistic lawyers

Black Detroit and the Rise of the UAW

New Edition

A classic of labor history, with a new foreword by one of the leading figures in urban studies

Defending Diversity

Affirmative Action at the University of Michigan

The first major book to argue in favor of affirmative action in higher education since Bowen and Bok's The Shape of the River

Skin Deep, Spirit Strong

The Black Female Body in American Culture

Traces the evolution of the black female body in the American imagination

Ralph J. Bunche

Selected Speeches and Writings

Restores the forgotten legacy of a leader for peace

Negro Thought in America, 1880-1915

Racial Ideologies in the Age of Booker T. Washington

1st Edition